The list of things I cannot do right now is getting longer every day, so I'm trying anything to avoid boredom at this point (going to bed early usually wins out for lack of more interesting alternatives).
A few weeks ago, we went to Opry Mills and made the baby's first teddy bear, which Chris named Archie (some reference to Dr. Do-little, I think), at Build-a-Bear Workshop. My sisters had come in and helped us do our baby registries, so Chris had a loooong day of shopping with the Keller girls. Haha! I posted a picture (top) my sis Megan took during the bear-making process.
Last weekend I made Chris take me on a road trip, so we went to Dover, TN (who knew there was such a place!?), and toured the Civil War battlegrounds at Fort Donelson and the National Cemetery. We also ate at one of Chris' hole-in-the-wall favorites, the Dairy Dip, which was greasily delicious! The weather was perfect, and we had a great day just driving and walking and talking. We used the tombstones in the cemetery as inspiration for baby names, but still no luck. Sorry, everybody.
We had game night at Miriam and Nick's later Saturday night and sat around the fire pit. Yay for roasted marshmallows!