I'm going to stop apologizing for my long periods of absence from blogspot. I'm just going to forgive myself for not blogging regularly because, honestly, I have had better things to occupy my time.
The new house has been never-ending work. Pulling out flooring and paneling, installing crown and hardwoods and trim and drywall, yanking out hideous and misplaced plants, etc., etc., etc. Needless to say, we are burned out. We moved in at the end of March, and since then we have neglected to re-hang many doors we painted or finish pulling down wallpaper in the bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry room. Not sure when we'll get back to it. I'm banking on mauve and country blue coming back in style so we won't ever have to re-do anything else.
M is nearing the big 2, and we are gearing up for another birthday production. Since we moved into the new house, he has been sleeping all night, putting himself to sleep in his crib, and playing in his crib in the mornings until I come get him. HUGE NEWS! It's about time, right? I work until June 6th, but M left daycare in Maryville last Friday and is now staying home with his cousin Tyra. Saves me gas money and time and gives her mission trip money (er...if she quits asking to go to the mall). Maybe I'll blog more when I'm done with school...yeah, probably not.