Thursday, February 26, 2009

Clarksville Friends

While I was looking at pictures to upload I saw all the pictures of my new Clarksville friends, and I thought I would stop to write a public thank you to them. Jen and Miriam (and a lot of others) have made the move to Clarksville so easy and fun for me. I don't regret for a minute our decision to relocate here (even thought it's likely only for a few years), and they've been a HUGE part of my life since we moved...and of Chris', too, since we made all our husbands be BFF!

You two are the coolest, and I love you! I am, however, going to publish the "senior picture poses" you made at my house as well as evidence that Nick needs Miriam's help to Wii hula-hoop. And I'm posting one more picture of one of our parties (who knows which one?) where the boys and girls stayed on separate levels of the house in typical fashion. Haha! Tanicia and Kendra are the cutest! Can't wait for game night this weekend!

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