Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Proof That Married People Are NOT Dull

So I was listening to a comedy routine on XM yesterday, and the guy was making fun of married people and how boring they are. He went on about how married people have game nights and how pathetic that is, so I thought I defend us and post pictures to prove that our game nights are a blast...even by married people standards.

1) Not sure what was disgusting to me...probably Miriam. Wow! I got a lot bigger from month 7 to month 8. Oops.

2) Jen LOVES when people make the sophomore face. Chris needs practice.

3) Haha! What else needs to be said about this rock band? I think Tommy is frightened by Jen's inner rock chick.

4) Most of us are terrible, which makes Rock Band Night even funnier...especially when Tommy has to tell Jen THREE TIMES to bring him a drink. Geez, Jen!

5) Even Joe from Alaska (that's right, Alaska) thought we were the coolest married people.

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