Here are some pictures of Aunt Kristin and Gracie and her cousin, whom she affectionately calls "Baby Mason" (as if it were one word). So cute! Jen and Miriam came over for the Lia Sophia party I hosted, and Miriam showed us her Mason face.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Gracie and Baby Mason
Here are some pictures of Aunt Kristin and Gracie and her cousin, whom she affectionately calls "Baby Mason" (as if it were one word). So cute! Jen and Miriam came over for the Lia Sophia party I hosted, and Miriam showed us her Mason face.
First Smile Caught on Film (Finally!)
So here's the picture of Mason sharing one of his biggest smiles. Chris and I were singing "Mamma Mia" and dancing, so you can imagine how hilarious that really was. I'd been trying to catch a smile on the camera for weeks, so he finally cooperated...probably so I'll get the camera out of his face once in a while.
Last night I weighed Mason, and the scale said he had gained a pound since last Wednesday, so that's incredible! I was so excited! He'll (hopefully!) be a chunk by the time we see Dr. Kaushik again in 3 weeks.
Over the weekend he got to see Aunt Kristin and Aunt Cindy, Cousin Gracie, and Papaw. Gracie was OBSESSED with his pacifier. It was so funny! She loved him soooo much and couldn't keep her hands off him. She also loved Cindy sooooo much and couldn't keep off her, either. Really, Gracie was very good and a lot of fun. Kristin and I took her and Mason to the farmer's market downtown and to visit the shops there, and the little ones were both great. And Kristin and Papaw bonded over livestock, so all in all, it was a lovely weekend. Haha! We miss everybody already. It's getting way harder to be so far away from most of our family. I'm ready to move home!
Last Cardiologist Visit
Last week Mason had his first visit with the new cardiologist, Dr. Kaushik. Chris and Mom took him since I wasn't able to take off work (I won't do that again! It was miserable not being with him and having to hear everything second hand.).
As of the 19th, Mason weighed 9 pounds 10 ounces and measured 23 inches long. His weight is only in the 9th percentile (height is 50th), and he's only gaining 20 grams a day instead of the 25 they want to see, so he has to beef up a lot before surgery. Dr. Kaushik told us to add a teaspoon of formula to each bottle he takes during the day to give him some extra calories. He's eating really well, but his heart has to work extra hard, so he burns more calories than a normal baby would. So since then we've been making sure he takes at least four bottles a day, even when I'm home on the weekends so that he gets an extra 100 calories or so a day.
Also, his oxygen saturation levels have stayed right up at 98-100, but they were down to 91 that day, so that was discouraging but not at the level that worries the doctors. He has to stay above 85. They took some x-rays, which Chris said was the worst thing Mason's been through so far (how do you hold a 2-month-old still?!), and we assume everything was okay because they haven't called us to tell us there's any problem. Overall, it was REALLY hard to hear that he wasn't doing as well since they've been so impressed with him all along, but they said he's still fine.
Dr. Kaushik decided she wants to see him one more time (at 3 months) before she schedules surgery. On the one hand, I'm glad that she wants to wait so he'll be as strong as possible, but I was disappointed that we're looking at surgery at 4 months instead of 3. The waiting is awful, and I'm not looking forward to the surgery, but I'm seriously ready for all this to be behind us. Dr. Kaushik said he'll be in the NICU for at least 2 weeks after surgery, and Dr. Seawell reminded us that it's quite common that they have to leave a baby's chest open for a few days after surgery until the swelling goes down. She wants us to be prepared for that possibility, but how do you prepare for that? We're hoping that we'll be able to get into the Ronald McDonald house.
Mason also had his 2 month checkup with the pediatrician that afternoon, so he had a rough day! X-rays AND shots. Poor baby! But he did really well with the breaks my heart to think that he's getting used to all this medical stuff.
As of the 19th, Mason weighed 9 pounds 10 ounces and measured 23 inches long. His weight is only in the 9th percentile (height is 50th), and he's only gaining 20 grams a day instead of the 25 they want to see, so he has to beef up a lot before surgery. Dr. Kaushik told us to add a teaspoon of formula to each bottle he takes during the day to give him some extra calories. He's eating really well, but his heart has to work extra hard, so he burns more calories than a normal baby would. So since then we've been making sure he takes at least four bottles a day, even when I'm home on the weekends so that he gets an extra 100 calories or so a day.
Also, his oxygen saturation levels have stayed right up at 98-100, but they were down to 91 that day, so that was discouraging but not at the level that worries the doctors. He has to stay above 85. They took some x-rays, which Chris said was the worst thing Mason's been through so far (how do you hold a 2-month-old still?!), and we assume everything was okay because they haven't called us to tell us there's any problem. Overall, it was REALLY hard to hear that he wasn't doing as well since they've been so impressed with him all along, but they said he's still fine.
Dr. Kaushik decided she wants to see him one more time (at 3 months) before she schedules surgery. On the one hand, I'm glad that she wants to wait so he'll be as strong as possible, but I was disappointed that we're looking at surgery at 4 months instead of 3. The waiting is awful, and I'm not looking forward to the surgery, but I'm seriously ready for all this to be behind us. Dr. Kaushik said he'll be in the NICU for at least 2 weeks after surgery, and Dr. Seawell reminded us that it's quite common that they have to leave a baby's chest open for a few days after surgery until the swelling goes down. She wants us to be prepared for that possibility, but how do you prepare for that? We're hoping that we'll be able to get into the Ronald McDonald house.
Mason also had his 2 month checkup with the pediatrician that afternoon, so he had a rough day! X-rays AND shots. Poor baby! But he did really well with the breaks my heart to think that he's getting used to all this medical stuff.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Two Months Old
Mason hit the 2-month mark a few days ago, and he's changing so quickly! Last Saturday I had to pack away the first batch of clothes he's outgrown. Chris walked in and asked what I was doing, and I burst into tears: "He's not my tiny baby anymore!" Chris just laughed; he thinks I'm crazy.
Every day we get more smiles, and Mason's getting ever closer to laughing...I can't wait to hear it! He holds his head up longer and loves to be held up so he can practice walking (which Chris swears he'll be doing in a month or so). He's learning to make sounds, and Mom says sometimes he scares himself with his own voice. Last week he rolled from his stomach to his back, and I was sooo just made him mad. Apparently all that work didn't get him where he thought it would! Mason's also definitely getting more of a personality, and I think we can all agree that although he may look more like his daddy, he has inherited some of Mommy's character traits (like impatience and letting you know VERY quickly when he's angry--not necessarily what I would have chosen to pass on!).
The biggest change is that I went back to work this week, and it's definitely the hardest thing I've ever done. I cried all Sunday night before I went back...AND Monday on my way to work...AND then later that night when Mason cried and I felt like he was mad at me for leaving him. And I'm sure there's more to come. I know he's in great hands (Gramma's), but I would do ANYTHING to be able to stay home with him. I never thought I could be happy being a stay-at-home mom. Crazy. My kids at school are great this year, so that makes it a little easier...but not much.
Mason's had a lot of visitors in his first two months. Slack came up last weekend, and he was a natural with Mason. Mason graced him with a giant smile as soon as Slack picked him up. It was super cute. Donna and Ellen were here the weekend before. We didn't let Ellen stay very long for fear that she would rub off on him. He kind of looks like a Wortham right now, though, looong and skinny.
Aunt Kristin and Gracie will be here this weekend...not sure if Mason's ready for more of his crazy cousin. Sometimes Gracie's love hurts! We'll have to keep an eye on her. Kristin started selling Lia Sophia jewelry, so I'm going to have a showing for her on Saturday night. Jen, Mirm, Teresa, and Kendra are coming as well as some other friends from work. It should be fun to have a girls' night!
Miriam and I had photography day with Mason a couple of weeks ago, so I've uploaded one of my favorite pictures we took. We are soooo talented! Haha!
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