Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Smile Caught on Film (Finally!)

So here's the picture of Mason sharing one of his biggest smiles. Chris and I were singing "Mamma Mia" and dancing, so you can imagine how hilarious that really was. I'd been trying to catch a smile on the camera for weeks, so he finally cooperated...probably so I'll get the camera out of his face once in a while.

Last night I weighed Mason, and the scale said he had gained a pound since last Wednesday, so that's incredible! I was so excited! He'll (hopefully!) be a chunk by the time we see Dr. Kaushik again in 3 weeks.

Over the weekend he got to see Aunt Kristin and Aunt Cindy, Cousin Gracie, and Papaw. Gracie was OBSESSED with his pacifier. It was so funny! She loved him soooo much and couldn't keep her hands off him. She also loved Cindy sooooo much and couldn't keep off her, either. Really, Gracie was very good and a lot of fun. Kristin and I took her and Mason to the farmer's market downtown and to visit the shops there, and the little ones were both great. And Kristin and Papaw bonded over livestock, so all in all, it was a lovely weekend. Haha! We miss everybody already. It's getting way harder to be so far away from most of our family. I'm ready to move home!

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