Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Costume Chaos

So the hunt for Mason's first Halloween costume has been somewhat like Charlie Brown's search for the Great Pumpkin. Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday of the year, so I've been thinking about what his first costume would be since I was 6 or 7 months pregnant. Not surprisingly, Chris does not share my high level of concern about this issue. He does, however, freely give his opinion about what costumes are not MANLY enough for his son (as if I care...this is clearly the mom's domain!).

Idea #1: Chris and I would be pirates and Mason would be a parrot. I found the CUTEST parrot costume online and could just imagine a picture of Captain Chris with Mason the Parrot on his shoulder! Haha! Chris nixed that one.

Idea #2: Chris and I would be Deadliest Catch fishermen and Mason would be a crab. Chris hated that, too.

Idea #3: Quit telling Chris about my ideas and just do whatever the heck I wanted.

My nephew Jake wore an adorable skunk costume a couple of years ago, so Megan sent it to me, but it is waaaay too big. Next year we'll be able to put it to use. Mom also brought up what she thought was the pea pod costume one of my sisters had, but it turned out that she had grabbed a sunflower costume. Chris about had a stroke when he saw it! You can see that Mason was none too impressed, either.

Finally I settled on a dragon costume that I found at Old Navy. Stay tuned for pictures!

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