Monday, September 28, 2009

Home Again

This past weekend Mason and I accompanied Mom back home to Maryville. We thought it might be our last chance to visit before Mason's surgery (we go to the cardiologist on Wednesday and will know a date for the surgery soon after that). Chris stayed home, as it was the opening weekend of archery season...or something like that.

We had such a great time, and Mason thinks his little cousins are hysterical! He smiled almost non-stop, although he's still not sure about Dad's little dog, Skipper. I can't imagine any baby ever getting more attention than Mason got from Friday to Sunday.

We spent Saturday with Mom and my sisters, and I even had a chance to go visit my friend Alisa and her new baby, Callie. She's a doll! And so tiny! She's only 5 weeks younger than Mason, but he's almost twice her size, and he's small, so that's saying a lot. On Sunday we were able to go to church, where Aunt Mary monopolized him (as usual), and then everybody came over to Mom's for lunch. Haylee came home with us to spend the week since she's on fall break, and we ran by Thomas' soccer game on our way home. Oh, and Mason started sleeping all night on his own this weekend! HALLELUJAH!

I was sad to leave everybody but glad to be home. Not as glad as Chris was to see his baby again, though!

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