On the 4th we went over to my brother's house for a family cookout. Chris was roped into playing with the bigger kids in the pool (shockingly, none of the other adults jumped in to help with crowd control), as usual, and Mason spent the day in the arms of my mom or one of my sisters, predominantly Mary, who is something of a baby hog and a bully. My big accomplishment of the day was getting the first picture of all 11 cousins, from Jordan down to Mason. Only Gracie was noticeably upset in the photo, so I count it a success.
On Sunday we took Mason to church, and, again, he was a show-stopper. Aunt Mary commandeered him again, but she kept him quiet during the sermon, so I wasn't complaining. After lunch at Aunt Kristin's, we set out for home. And so our first long car trip went pretty smoothly.