I was sooo uncomfortable and having random contractions for about two weeks before, so Dr. Hamre scheduled me for an induction on June 16th. Chris and I arrived at Gateway Medical Center at 5 in the morning on the 16th, and the process got underway quickly. I was already having contractions every 4 minutes by the time they hooked me up to the monitor, but I really wasn't feeling anything, so they gave me half a dose of something that would thin my cervix. I was just a centimeter dilated at that point and 50% effaced, but my contractions got faster and stronger very quickly. By the time my water broke on its own just before 9, I was having contractions every 2 minutes. Dr. Hamre came to check me and laughed that Mason had decided he was coming on the 16th anyway, regardless of the induction, so it was a stroke of good luck that we had inadvertently planned the induction for the day the baby was actually planning on showing up so that all our family could be there.
To make a long story short(er), Mason arrived at 5:51 pm, weighing 7 pounds and 5 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. He came out with his eyes open and a thoroughly disillusioned look on his face. Mom and Chris also say he had a serious conehead, but I never noticed. I have to say that childbirth was not as bad as I had expected (thanks to an epidural). And, yes, he WAS the most beautiful baby ever born.
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