Sunday, December 13, 2009


Mason's getting the hang of eating baby food now. We started him on rice cereal after his surgery, but things got sidetracked by his reflux. He was throwing up (yes, throwing up...not spitting up) at least once a day and sometimes up to five times, so Dr. Kaushik put him on Zantac. That didn't do the trick, so they upped his dosage, and it finally improved, although he still does it every now and then. We had to just concentrate on getting ANYTHING to stay down for a while, so moving from cereal to fruits and vegetables took a backseat. All in all, Mason lost more than five weeks because it took that long for him to gain back up to his pre-surgery weight. Every time he threw up, I tried not to cry. I was so worried because he wasn't gaining weight (and sick of washing regurgitated milk out of my hair, the carpet, his clothes, etc.), and it didn't seem like anything we tried made it better.

When I finally felt like it was safe to move on, I started him with avocados. Chris gagged watching me make it; he hates avocados. I told him that avocado is a perfect food because it has everything a person needs to survive and has the most fat of any fruit or vegetable, so he better smile and pretend like it was delicious when he fed it to Mason. Chris solved that moral dilemma by refusing to feed him. The avocados went over well, and Mason likes to help me get the spoon into his mouth. Messy, but effective.

So now Mason has tried avocados, pears, sweet peas, apples, butternut squash, and yellow squash (he's not a fan). We weighed him yesterday, and it looks like he's about 14 pounds and 5 ounces. Chris and I set a goal of 15 pounds by the time he goes back for his 6-month check-up on the 18th; I don't think we'll make it, but he's gaining, so we're happy with that. Oh, and Chris did feed Mason a few bites of squash the other day out of necessity (we were trying to hurry out of the house to see the Rockettes in Nashville for our anniversary), so he's making progress as well.

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