Friday, December 25, 2009

New Traditions

Chris and I began our Christmas Eve traditions with Mason last night. We had planned on taking him down to Riverside Park to see all the lights, but the wind and the storm blowing in put an end to that plan. So we stayed in and started a fire (okay, so we just ignited the gas logs, which is less Christmas-y but the best we could do) and settled in on the couch for the first annual reading of "The Night Before Christmas." Mom and Dad used to gather us all up (quite a feat in itself) and read that and the Christmas story from St. John, so I wanted to carry on that tradition with Mason. Unfortunately, Mason's attention span is less than 1/8 that of the common house fly, so we skipped the Bible story this year.

With our poem read and our cookies laid out for Santa (a gingerbread replica of the Bakers), off we went to bed.

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