Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Uncovering My True Calling

Yesterday Miriam came over for for Photography Day, Part Deux, which was such a rousing success (as you can see from the adorable pictures of the Cutest Baby in the World) that we have finally given in to the inevitable: we may be paid (albeit not well) to teach, but we were born to photograph. Chris had been expressing much disgust over the cost of professional photography, which was compounded by his disgust over the cost of the professional camera he had purchased for me for Christmas last year so I could take pictures of our baby. Thus in his mind, a professional photographer should play no part in our lives...ever, at all, period. And so I caved in and agreed to take Mason's 6-months photos on my own, as much to help save money as to challenge my artistic side, and (as always) Miriam was my willing co-conspirator.

Miriam insists that I note that anyone who wants to pay us gobs of money to photograph their offspring should just call our people (i.e. Nick).

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