This is one Christmas I will definitely never forget. Mason slept in until almost 7, and then Chris and I let him play in our bed for a little while before we took him downstairs to see what Santa had left him. Although I'm sure next year will be a lot more interactive, Mason was surprisingly adept at pulling off wrapping paper...even though it was hard to keep his attention on unwrapping once he caught sight of a ribbon.
Santa brought Mason some new clothes and a bunch of books, a Busy Ball Popper, a Learn & Discover Driver, and a Learn-n-Crawl ball. He loved the ball immediately, and the ball popper and driver have proven to be big hits too. Mason's stocking had a Veggie Tales movie (it will be a while before he can enjoy that, but he's going to LOVE the Veggie Tales...hopefully as much as I do!), a play cell phone (which he still overlooks in favor of the TV remote), and two Sesame Street finger puppets. They're adorable! Mason also got a silly songs CD, more videos, and more clothes. I really ended up buying more for him than I had planned on, but I'll do better next year (sure!).
Chris got a new digital photo frame so he can show off his boy at work (people think he has a newborn because he hasn't updated the pictures on his desk since we had Mason's first pictures made), two pairs of handheld radios, and some new clothes. Chris bought me a diamond key necklace, and I love it. It's the first piece of jewelry he has bought me (besides my engagement and wedding rings), so it was a really great Christmas.
Together we made a big Christmas brunch of country ham (Chris insisted), cheese grits, biscuits, and eggs. I think we set up a pretty nice set of traditions that we can add to each year.
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