Monday, February 1, 2010

Children's Garden

Mason finally went to daycare for the first time on Monday, January 4th. After spending nearly $3000 last year just to keep his place (yeah, we wouldn't have done that if we had realized just how long he would actually not be going...sigh), Chris dropped him off at Children's Garden at 7:30. Meanwhile, I was sitting in inservice meetings and trying not to cry. It had taken me over an hour and a half to get everything packed up and ready for him on Sunday night, and then I had just curled up in the living room floor and managed not to lose it until Chris hugged me. I think that's the closest I've ever come to a panic attack. I had reread all the daycare documents and policies, and I kept telling Chris that I thought we had made a mistake, that we'd chosen the wrong place. It was awful. I must have gotten up a dozen times that night just to watch him sleep, storing up memories for the long day I'd be away from him. Just thinking about it makes me feel terrible all over again.

They were waiting on Mason when Chris walked into the daycare that morning, and he said that Shannon had Mason unpacked and out of the carseat before he even knew what was happening. She wanted to get in some cuddle time before all her older kids (she takes care of the preschoolers while her mom, known as Grammy, watches the babies) arrived, but Grammy soon commandeered Mason, her only baby. Being the only one on Grammy's side, he pretty much gets constant attention all day long, which, of course, is exactly what he's used to! Chris said that the few other kids who were already at daycare were fascinated by the new baby, and Shannon had to review the rules with them: we don't touch the baby, we don't touch the baby's things, we play quietly when the baby's sleeping, etc.

When I arrived at 3:00 to pick Mason up, he was sitting on Grammy's lap surrounded by a ring of toddler girls. Grammy said they couldn't focus on anything but Mason all day. Grammy's granddaughter, Rilynn, who is not quite a year older than Mason, quickly became his little mama, and she loves to bring him his pacifier or a toy he has dropped. Grammy says she'll run from the opposite side of the basement to fetch him whatever she thinks he needs. And likewise, Mason likes to play where he can see over or around the low wall of cubbies and watch what the older kids are doing. Shannon and Grammy call him "Mr. Smiley" for obvious reasons. So, clearly, he's doing well, and I needn't have worried (although I still do, every day). Since he started, we've had 4 snow days (including today), and those have never been more exciting because I get to spend more time with my little guy!

1 comment:

  1. I bet I was the first person to read this! Yay for snow days!!! I miss you friend!
