Monday, February 1, 2010

New Developments

So before a lot of kids even have a single tooth, my child now has six. I noticed that he had a new one on the bottom and another one just poking through on the other side last week when I was giving him a bath, and Chris and I despaired of his ever getting teeth on the top. Aren't the top ones supposed to come in after the two bottom ones? Seriously, we were afraid he was going to have to have baby dentures, but then the top right tooth popped through just a couple of days later (whew!). The top left is just visible now, and that makes six.

On a funnier note, Mason learned a new trick yesterday: zerberts. He was slobbering on my arm as we lay in the floor, and he accidentally gave me a zerbert. You should have seen his face! He was a little scared of what he had just done, but I cracked up. I showed him how to do it again, so he did it...on purpose this time, and we both kept doing it for about five minutes and laughing hysterically. Chris was napping on the couch and woke up to see what was happening. I made him get out the handycam, and he managed to get the tail-end before Mason moved on to something else (and Chris fell back asleep). As soon as I can find the cable, I'll upload the video. He's so funny!

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