Monday, February 1, 2010

Turning 29

We had some friends over the weekend of my birthday for a joint celebration with Jen, who turned 26 (right?) on the 5th. Tommy's still gone to some training somewhere in Louisiana (right?), so it was just the Shasserres, Jen, Tanicia, and Marcus. It was a pretty chill night. We ate and talked until Mason went down for the night, and then we played The Price is Right and Super Mario on the Wii. Nothing too crazy...except when Jen kept killing her teammates on purpose as we played Mario...and laughing maniacally. It got kind of ugly.

The other highpoint of the night was when Mason attacked Miriam's collarbone. I can't explain it in a way that will convey how funny it was, so I'll just post the video (again, when I find the cable!).

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