Monday, February 1, 2010

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Last Thursday we took our 7th graders on a field trip to the Renaissance Center in Dickson, and all anybody could talk about on the bus ride home was the forecast. We had heard all week that snow was coming in late that week, and bu Thursday morning they were predicting several inches of snow to start falling early Friday morning. Within a few hours of dismissal, the school system (along with all others in middle Tennessee) had already called off school for the next day.

By noon on Friday, we had no snow at all, and I was beginning to think the forecasters had been as wrong as they were about our last big "winter storm." By one, though, the snow arrived, and it fell steadily for the next 18 hours or so. When Mason woke us up just after 5 on Saturday morning, we had about 6 inches of beautiful white snow covering our neighborhood.

After Mason's morning nap (which usually lasts from about 8-9), we bundled him up and rushed outside. I wanted pictures of the perfect white snow before all the neighborhood kids tracked through it. I wasn't sure how he'd react to the cold, but he was intrigued and handled it with his usual aplomb. We only stayed out long enough for some pictures because it was in the 20s, but here they are: Mason's first experience with snow.

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