Monday, October 18, 2010

By Twelve Months...

Mason was walking (he mastered that at 11 months) and climbing (he could climb the six-foot ladder in his closet in 30 seconds...scary!). His favorite foods were blackeye peas, strawberries, and cheese. He wasn't much of a meat-eater, but he definitely loved the occasional sweets that we gave him. His favorite animals were dogs, and he squealed in delight every time he saw one. He would have spent his entire day outside, and he loved riding in the Wee-ride bike seat with Mommy. He weighed 20 pounds 11 ounces and was 30.75 inches tall at his 12-month checkup with his new pediatrician. Mason said a handful of words, but never on command: mama, dada, dog, uh-uh, no, yeah. All in all, he was doing everything he should be for his age and charming everyone he met with his big blue eyes and quick smile.

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