Friday, January 14, 2011

All By Myself

Mom and Dad are heading to Lexington for Jordan's first collegiate track meet, and Chris is leaving for a duck hunting weekend, and 1.) I am happy for him because he needs a break from reality as badly as I do; 2.) I can take as many baths and read as many books as I want when Mason is asleep and not have to talk to anyone if I don't want to; 3.)M and I will be bored out of our minds, so someone please rescue us! Please! We'll be good if you'll just take us somewhere! Anywhere!

By noon tomorrow we will be so desperate that I cannot even begin to predict what we will do in our stark raving madness. Stay tuned to find out where we end up. Before you judge, remember that I spent 5 straight days in the house, snow-bound, this week. I will try not to channel Britney Spears and ride my bicycle naked into Pistol Creek, but I can't promise much else.

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