Friday, January 14, 2011

Christmas Day

This was possibly our last year of sleeping in on Christmas morning for a loooong time (and by sleeping in, I mean 7:30, which is SUPER late for Mason). Once we finally rousted him and got in position (me with him and Chris with the camera), things got off to a slow start. First of all, he wasn't interested in going into the dining room where the tree and gifts were; he wanted to linger in the hallway and look at all the pictures. Eventually, we ran out of pictures and made it out of the hall, but we couldn't get Mason to look over toward the tree! I had to walk him right in front of it, and he just looked at it in confusion for a moment. In short, his excitement level was slow in peaking, but he did eventually get into the spirit. M wanted to ride his Smart Trike immediately, but we induced him to open some presents, and he made quite a mess and ended up with WAY more than one child needs...and this was before my family's Christmas or Christmas with Papaw and Nanny Baker. Geez.

After the opening of presents, we went over to Kristin's for breakfast and enjoyed the snowfall on our White Christmas. Mason and Gracie and I ventured out briefly. All in all, a good Christmas even though we're still (sigh) in limbo. Lots to be thankful for, and I'm trying-trying-trying to keep that foremost in mind.

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