Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Where is Supernanny When You Need Her?

Okay, so Mason has been a mama's boy--we all admit that, but recently things have taken a turn for the obsessive. At daycare he has spells about every half hour where he drops what he's doing and runs to the door crying my name. At home I can barely get him off my lap or out of my arms.

Two nights ago he woke up at 10:49 crying for me, so, of course, I punched Chris in the arm and told him it was his turn to get up (Sidenote: Chris had been hunting all weekend, so it was REALLY his turn). Dutifully, he stumbled into M's room, but five minutes later, M was screaming for me at the top of his lungs. I lay in bed, pondering if I should go help or if Chris would see that as interference, but I didn't have to wonder long because Chris rushed back in and said, "He won't stop screaming your name, and he won't let me pick him up."

When I got in the room, Mason was backed into a corner of his crib and was smacking at C anytime he tried to touch him. As soon as M saw me, he rushed toward me, arms up, and immediately silenced when I picked him up. He put his head on my shoulder and didn't make another peep--although he did stay awake for 2 hours after that, but that's a different issue. And then last night he did the same thing. C tried to take him from my arms, and M screamed and pushed him away.

It's so weird, and I know it breaks C's heart, so I hope this phase passes quickly. We're definitely seeing the beginning of the Terrible 2s, so maybe this is a symptom. Oy vey.

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