Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2 Kids and Counting

So we finally got to meet Natalie and Matthew last Saturday, and they were so unbelievably sweet that it's a miracle I didn't kidnap at least one of them (although I have called dibs on a girl if Miriam has anymore--that's only fair. She has them two at a time, and that's twice as fast as me, so a good friend would share.) We got in around 9 o'clock, and despite my best efforts to keep Mason Baker asleep as we went into Debbie's house, you know the end of that story.

C and I went over to Mirm's about 9 on Saturday morning and helped out while Nick picked up Lindsey at the airport. It's hard to imagine that Mason was ever that small, but Natalie is only 4 ounces smaller than M was when we brought him home from Vanderbilt. Sigh. Miriam looked great and has this twin routine thing down pat already. And I heart Lindsey.

That evening Tanicia came over and we had a pseudo-surprise party for Miriam's 28th birthday. We all dressed up like Duggars for the 2 Kids and Counting theme (haha!), and I made an ice cream sandwich cake from the Duggars' own family recipe. I had borrowed some of Mom's old outfits for the dress-up part, and she asked me, "Is this party making fun of me?" Nope, the Duggars...and Miriam, who is their #1 fan. Anyway, we had fun, and I'll post a picture as soon as Miriam sends it to me (what else does she have to do?).

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