Monday, February 7, 2011


Well, as most of you have heard, the Clarksville house FINALLY rented--on the night of my last post, to be exact (That's a good excuse for not blogging, right? Too busy with new house plans? Well, let's go with that anyway.). Chris met M and me at church that night because we were attending a board meeting about the daycare and we wanted to share some concerns we had. So Mase and I were in the fellowship hall eating dinner with Mom when Chris came in and slid in beside me with his oh-so-irritating "you want the bad news first or the good news first" routine. He knows I despise when he does that because he always twists the meaning of "good" and "bad" around beyond recognition.

So after I gave him an evil look, out he came with the news that the house had rented, and I (of course) teared up in stunned joy. Mom yelled out, "Praise God!" I laughed at her and then told her that was a smidge insulting. I cannot communicate how excited we were!

The next day we took the contingency off the contract on our new house in West Knoxville, and since then we have lived in a whirlwind of inspections, appraisals, measuring things, shopping for flooring deals, etc., etc.

We close on the 25th of this month, but it will take a few weeks to fix and cover and replace all the UGLY in the new house, so we won't be moving in for a few weeks after that. The end is in sight! Mom won't miss us, but she is sure having a hard time at the prospect of not seeing M every day.

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