M got to spend a lot of quality time with Granny and Grandpa this weekend, which means we can sum everything up with three words: Cheetos, donuts, and outside. Oh, and clocks. M is obsessed with the clocks at Granny's house and insists that Grandpa carry him around to all the clocks at least two dozen times a day.
And Grandpa and Granny are always quick to comply with any of M's demands, including whisking him outside every time he cried, "Outside!" We had a good time catching up, and C and I ran by the rental house to check on it, and I discovered that my husband forgot to mention that he dug up all the creeping phlox on one side of the house. Yes, the creeping phlox that would have bloomed so beautifully in a month or so. He can't imagine how we forgot to tell me that. I can.
So all went well until Sunday morning, when Debbie took a terrible fall down the back stairs. She gave us all a HUGE scare and busted up her face pretty badly and it turned out later that she actually broke her arm as well. She held it together until we left, so we celebrated Valentine's Day early with M so she and Grandpa could see him eat his giant strawberry cupcake. In true M fashion, he eschewed the traditional and used the botrom of his Valentine balloon as a utensil for scooping icing into his mouth. Oh, well. It worked.
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