Monday, March 15, 2010

The Hospital...Again

Chris took Mason to the pediatrician about a month ago because he had a runny nose and sounded terribly congested again. The doctor told us to use saline and a humidifier, which we've done for months with no great improvement. Then a couple of weeks later I had to call again because he still wasn't better and was throwing up. The doctor still wasn't too concerned and said that it was actually a good thing that he was throwing up because it got all the mucus out. Of course, I'm freaking out because I always obsess over his weight, and he can't gain weight if he's chucking all the time.

So last Saturday night I had gone to the concert with the girls and got in bed around 1:30. Mason awoke at 4:30, and by 5:30 we were on our way to the ER because he had already thrown up 3 times and still had diarrhea. The next couple of hours were understandably unpleasant. They had to take blood and put in an IV, and finding a vein now is difficult because 1) his veins are tiny and 2)he has a lot of scarring that complicates the whole process. While we were waiting on the doctor, Mason developed a rash, and his fever was elevated (apparently, those things go together sometimes). The ER doc thought he had a stomach virus, and his bloodwork showed a low white cell count and CO2 levels, although his potassium was good (which is always the biggie for Mason because of his heart medications). They admitted us so that they could run fluids through him overnight, so Mason and I spent Sunday night at Gateway. Mom left church when I called her that morning, so she was with us by early afternoon.

Of course, Chris had to leave for Maryville again, so this made it even more difficult for him. I can't imagine how he felt leaving his son hooked up to an IV pump again. Debbie and Mom came back Monday morning and stayed with us until we were discharged about 1 that afternoon. Mason did great and had all the nurses charmed. They kept coming in to see his big blue eyes, and he never failed to put on a show.

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