Monday, March 15, 2010

Nine Month Checkup

Mason went to see Dr. Seawell for his nine month checkup on the 11th, and that was probably the last time he will see her (unless something unexpected comes up--knock on wood) since he is not due for another checkup until 12 months. Everything was great, even though he lost about a pound in the previous weeks because of the cold and the stomach bug. He weighed 16 pounds and 13 ounces, which put him in the 4th percentile (sigh), but he was 29 inches long, so he's in the 78th percentile on height, which is really encouraging. Of course, Mason can't make anything easy, so when I showed Dr. Seawell a rash he had developed on his bum, she tested it and decided it was a bacterial infection and needed a cream. High maintenance baby.

Aunt Mary had suggested that we start mixing his dry formula with Pediasure and ice cream to add some serious calories to his diet. I was leery of the ice cream because of his heart condition, but I ran right out to Kroger and loaded up on Pediasure as well as any table food I thought Mason could handle. He had totally stopped eating baby food but would still eat Puffs, so I wondered if he had just decided he was a big boy and wanted to eat like one. Sure enough, Mason ate everything I put in front of him that night (Gerber chicken and carrot sticks and diced peaches) and LOVED the Pediasure. It's like a baby milkshake, so I'm not what's not to like. I give him one in the morning and one before bed, so he's getting a few hundred extra calories each day. Maybe we'll graduate out of the single digit percentiles soon!

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