Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I was just backing up the documents on my work laptop in preparation for the big move to whatever school I'll be teaching in next year, and I came across some pictures of Mirm and Jen at the first Jazz on the Lawn last year. I thought I would post a few for old time's sake. I was uber-pregnant, but the pictures are cute, and I love that they're typical of how we always hung out: playing games and relaxing outside.

Life is going to be so different when Chris and I move back home this summer and Jen and Tommy head for the base in Heidelberg. The Collinses and the Shasserres were the first couples we became friends with as a couple, and we have done something with them at least once a week since shortly after we moved here. It's going to be a shock to our social lives not to have ready-made plans every weekend...we might actually have to work to fill up our social calendar! I can't express how much I'm going to miss Miriam and Jen. I'm going to pull a Scarlett O'Hara and not think about it today because it makes me cry (just ask the guys, who were horrified when all three of us boo-hooed in Blackhorse Brewery last weekend! Haha!).

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