Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Single Parenthood...Temporarily

Today is day three of being a single parent during the week while Chris is back in East Tennessee. He left Sunday afternoon for Knoxville, where he stayed with the Oehlmanns so he could be at Regions headquarters bright and early Monday morning for his first day of training. For a few weeks he'll be moving around doing a bunch of different training exercises before he gets to settle into his new job as branch manager of the Regions in Clinton. It sounds like he has settled into life as a boarder at Tom and Pattie's house in Maryville, where he'll live through the work week until Mason and I finish the school year and find a house back home.

Besides not having Chris around to help out with Mason, everyday life is much tougher these days, as I'm having to keep the house immaculate in case potential buyers stop in for a showing...not an easy task now that Mason has decided he wants to be in EVERYTHING! Last night he figured out he can crawl all the way around the polka-dot chair in the living room if he keeps turning it with one arm as he goes between it and the wall. Quite clever, actually.

Every night we send Daddy a picture to help him not feel so homesick (although I doubt it works all that well!). Last night we sent him this video of bathtime because Mason would pretty much LIVE in the water if we would let him, and I know Chris misses these little nighttime routines.

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