Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How I Spend My Time Now

Sheepishly I must admit that I am among the world's worst packers. I am the girl who goes to the beach with eleven sweaters (just in case the beach is chilly at night), four books, and sunscreen in SPFs 5 to 100, but no bathing suit; the camping trip with no socks or matches but hiking boots to match every outfit. Thus, preparing to move all the possessions my family and I will need for basic everyday life for the next few months is quite a tall order for my poor self. I am fighting the urge to pack everything and leave my house with nice neat castles of laboriously stacked and labeled cardboard boxes, but it's hard. I love packing things up, but I do not love so much the realization (hypothetical as yet) that I have packed all of Mason's pajamas and every last pair of my contacts in a gigantic box on the bottom of the stack in the garage (knock on wood that my hypothetical doesn't become reality). So I am trying to make a list of everything that we will need and stick to it faithfully as I box up the unnecessaries permanently and pack up the necessaries in easily accessible bins and duffel bags. My goal this week is to get together all the things I can send back with Chris this weekend (we're switching vehicles so that I have the truck to bring back all the last-minute stuff and Mason's big items), but a number of things stand in my way:

1.) My organizational ADHD (I LOVE to organize, but I usually get distracted by all the cool things I uncover and end up moving on to another project prematurely...rinse, wash, and repeat.) Sidenote: interesting things I found last night include my social security card, a $20 Panera gift card from 2008, and my black Northface fleece. Not a bad score! Wonder what I'll find tonight?
2.) My sidekick who adores packing...er, unpacking. M thinks moving is a really fun new game I've come up with to entertain him. Example: I pack a dozen DVDs. M pulls out three and drops his pacifier in the box--what is to him, apparently, a fair trade. As M pushes the box flaps inside, I try to wedge a couple of Wii games in before he dives in headfirst. And so on in much the same fashion until I give up and let him climb the stairs.

I was determined to finish culling all my teaching materials today and condense my office supplies to a manageable box or two, but I was quickly distracted by one of the funniest websites I've ever seen: http://www.notwithoutmyhandbag.com/babynames/14.html. I googled bad baby names, inspired by a coworker who has suggested some truly awful names for her baby (currently in utero). In her defense, I will say that you must be immune to other peoples' opinions when you name a child, so as long as you and your husband adore a name, then you should shrug off everyone else's input (albeit, you must be prepared to someday defend yourself against a hormonal teenager who seeks revenge on parents who named her Agatha). If you can live with a name for countless future years and are okay with your beloved child living with that name as well, then go for it. But don't expect people to swoon with admiration when you propose the name Hanley for a boy or Henry for a girl. You SHOULD remember, however, that naming a child is not your opportunity to draw attention to yourself; it is a grave endeavor that should be approached with the utmost thought and selflessness, lest your child hate you forever. Oh, and the funny website definitely mocked the name Mason (excerpt: Mason is my 2 year old son's name. It is in the top 100 boy's names for 2001. I think it is a stong boy's name. Why would anyone make fun of it?
Response: Because they're opposed to his secret Masonic orders trying to overthrow the government, along with Ted Turner, the secret Catholic cultists in the Supreme Court, and the Anti-Defamation League. Duh! ). Haha! Well, my grandfather WAS a Mason, so there you go. I'm all about names with meaning.

Well, there you go...evidence of why packing is difficult for me: I am a tangential creature. Seriously, though, take a look at this website because it is a hoot!

It's a good thing Miriam and Jen are coming over to help me wrangle SuperBaby while I get a few things together. Whew!

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