Friday, May 14, 2010

Bathtime with the Cousins (mmm...sounds borderline inappropriate)

My brother Tom and his family came to stay with us the last weekend in April, and we had a very wet but fun weekend. Thomas had a soccer tournament in Hendersonville (hence the trip), but it was rained out. Pattie and I took all the girls (Haylee was with us, too) and Mason to Opry Mills for a girls' day, and we shopped and had lunch at Rainforest Cafe. Little did I know, but that was my last trip to Opry Mills for the indefinite future because the monsoon rains that were headed our way ended up flooding the mall (and most of Nashville) just a week later. All the kids were really good, and Mason was so excited that he had trouble going to sleep all weekend.

I had driven down to Maryville after school on the previous Thursday with Mason for my interviews in Knoxville (more on that later), and Maddie and Haylee rode back to Clarksville with me Friday afternoon so that Mason would have some entertainment in the back seat to make the long ride more palatable. I had worried all week about driving to Maryville by myself, but he did soooo well. He slept almost the entire way, which was a miracle, but having my backseat babysitters on the way back made the trip less stressful. Maddie and Haylee were both thrilled to be going with us (Haylee would volunteer for ANY trip, and Maddie was just glad to be away from her baby sister for a while), and we had a great time.

Tom and Pattie came up later that night with Rachel and Thomas, so I entertained my three as best I could. I dumped them all in the big bathtub, which provided some super-cute photographs. I can't wait to show them these when they're all grown up!

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