Monday, May 17, 2010

Last Trip to Vanderbilt (God Willing)

One of Mason's medications can only be filled at the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital pharmacy, so Miriam rode with M and me to Nashville last Thursday to pick it up. Barring any unforeseen events, that should have been our final trip to VCH. In a way it was a little sad, but we will be so glad to be closer to Children's Hospital in Knoxville in case of an emergency. I will not miss the long commute into Nashville for medicine each month.

While we were there we took Mason up to the rooftop playground at VCH and snapped some pictures, and then we all walked over a few blocks to eat at Roly Poly. I am so STILL sad (years later) about the closing of the one on Ebenezer in K-town. Sigh. On a brighter note, M is all set up with Dr. Liske (his original cardiologist) again, so transferring him to a doctor back home was way easier than I thought it was going to be.

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