Mason is soooooooooo close to walking! He has taken up to 5 steps on his own, and I think he'd have this down already if he weren't so determined to do everything at warp speed. I give him another week or so at least. I had predicted 11 months, so that would be right on target. We'll see...
He mastered climbing up to the second floor last week. I sent Chris a video. So now he's either on the stairs or in front of the cabinet where we keep all the tupperware--one of his favorite play spots. His REAL favorite spot is playing IN (not in front of, but IN) the gas fireplace. I had to block it off with a baby gate because he pulls out the rocks and tries to eat them.
All this extra energy he's burning has had a direct impact on his food consumption. When he's eating like there's no tomorrow now, I think back to those difficult weeks after surgery and wish I could have had a window to the future. I would have worried so much less if I could have known that my little guy would be drinking 36 ounces of milk (still on the added calories) and eating three full meals and three snacks a day (new favorite food: blackeye peas, yep, weird). You still won't find any dimples on his bum or fat rolls on his arms, but he looks so chubby to me now. Man! We have worked really hard for every ounce! I'm proud of all of us! Oh, and uber-thankful that the worst of the reflux seems to be behind us. I am glad the days of cleaning up baby vomit every day (several times a day) are in the past--KNOCK ON WOOD!
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