Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Son, the Sleep Hater

Does this look like a picture of a child who never sleeps? Well, it is. Pretty bright-eyed for someone who spends half the night screaming "MAMA" until a) I give in and rub his back until he falls back asleep (at which point he typically allows me enough time to aaaaalmost go back to sleep myself and then repeats the whole process) or b) he pukes or c) he finally whimpers himself to sleep, slumped in a crumpled corner of the crib, defeated and dejected. How he manages to wake up (around 4:15-ish these days) with a smile and a rested look in his eyes is beyond me because you cannot say the same for his mother.

Even when M miraculously manages to stay asleep for a few hours at a time, I have trouble sleeping still because I jump at every noise, afraid I'm going to have pull a Charlie's Angels stunt to save my child from burglars and murderers. Lack of sleep exacerbates my over-active imagination, and my vivid daydreaming about all the possible ways Mason and I could be maimed and tortured while we are alone in Clarksville precludes deep sleeping--it's an exhausting and vicious cycle.

Anyhow, now that some of you are probably concerned about my mental state, I will distract you with some photos taken last night as I attempted to wear M out so he would go back to sleeping through an ENTIRE night (didn't work, by the way). I'm going to attempt to blog more frequently (yes, Papaw Baker, I promise to do better!) because I'm so tired some days that I sometimes can't remember the daily, mundane details of my life, so I am worried I won't remember much about this time of M's life later. I love the first one; M looks as if he is totally fed up with a grumpy old man.

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