Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Goals in Life

With all the stressful junk in my life right now (a.k.a. selling a house, looking for a new house, not sleeping a full night--see previous blog, searching for a job, not eating sugar--the worst of all, and trying to plan M's first birthday, and on and on and on), I have had a few episodes of self-pity and irrational rage in the last couple of weeks (like when a realtor who attended one of our open houses last week left a comment for us that we needed the master bedroom on the main, and I literally screamed at Chris on the phone because that was my only option for getting out my anger and bitterness, as I did not know that realtor's address and had no access to lighter fluid and needlenose pliers--which seemed like excellent tools with which to make him pay for his idiocy. Later I calmed down and am now in the process of developing a plan to move the master bedroom downstairs. Thank you, realtors of Clarksville, for all your realistic and helpful selling hints!). Despite all that, I am dedicated to focusing on the positive (no, really, I am), and so I felt it would be beneficial to look ahead and draft a list of goals I would like to accomplish just as soon as all these stressful areas of life are resolved (ha!).

1.) Finish the scrapbook I started for Mason the month before he was born (OR...complete the photo books I started on shutterfly, which would be more attainable, as I am a reluctant and surly scrapbooker).

2.) Take M on his first hike in the Smokies (Abram's Falls, maybe?).

3.) Enroll M in Mommy-and-Me Gymnastics. (Now THAT should generate some fodder for the blog!)

4.) Try one of the fun projects at

5.) Well, I had a #5, but then I think I fell asleep with my eyes open for a minute, and now I can't remember. Oh, well. I'm sure I'll think of something else to add when I'm add with M at 2:38 tomorrow morning.

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