Friday, December 10, 2010

And Now...Up to Date

Okay, so I THINK I've finally caught up the blog. Yes, I've missed a lot. Yes, I'll probably have to backtrack and add things as I come across pictures and remember things. Oh, well. Now I just have to maintain.

At least this gives Miriam something to do tonight while she waits on us to arrive in Clarksville bearing a car full of gifts for the little tiny Shasserres (Natalie and Matthew, not Miriam and Nick...because--let's be honest--Miriam isn't tiny anymore). Mom, Tyra, M, and I will be on the road in just over an hour, headed to Clarksville for Mirm's baby shower. It has been a rough week, so we're looking forward to some fun (although I despise road trips...just wanted to get that in in case someone was unaware of that...I REALLY must love Miriam to be doing this). We'll be praying the whole trip that her cake makes it. I already had to modify my grand cake plans (disappointing...I was sooooo excited about the first one, but it just wasn't, the backup one's fine, I guess) to make it fit in the cake box and the protective plastic bin it's riding in, but I'm still nervous. Yeesh. I hope we have cake tomorrow!

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