Friday, December 10, 2010


Chris spent the second week of November in Clarksville packing up and moving out of The House That Won't Sell (okay, he also hunted a little). Although being away from him for 8 days was awful, it was great for me to be able to focus on Mason and not have to disrupt his schedule and worry about how to get everything done. We were planning on coming up that Friday night to pack up my plants and little things like that, but Chris and his mom took care of everything to save me the trip. Debbie and Dave did a TON of work to help us get out of this house, and I was sooooo grateful.

Slack and Jeff came to help us load everything into the storage unit in Knoxville, and Haylee and Gracie proved surprisingly helpful as well. It was a long, exhausting process, and I'm glad we're done. Although...we'll be moving again soon if the stars so align.

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