Friday, December 10, 2010

Summer Highlights: Part 3

More summer activities. We took M out on Brad's boat, and he was not overly fond of that experience: too hot, too bumpy, and too wet. Chris' dream of owning a boat may be farther away than we think. Oh, well. At least he looked cute in his life jacket.

The third picture documents Mason's first serious facial injury. Okay, so it wasn't really serious--at least, not to anybody but me. Meg and I were on the front porch with Jake and Mason, and Jake opened the gate to the stairs. Quick as lightning, Mason ran over there as I'm yelling for Jake to close the gate and grab Mason. Jake got confused and didn't do anything as Mason tumbled headfirst down the brick steps, just millimeters out of my reach. He screamed, and I screamed, and blood was smeared all over his mouth when I snatched him up. Thank God Megan was there to provide medical assistance because I was freaking out and ready to Life Flight him to the Mayo Clinic. It turned out that he just scraped his nose and busted his upper lip, so it wasn't too bad, and he was over it within 5 minutes. My recovery took a lot longer. I took this picture to send to Chris because he was hunting in Clarksville.

One morning I whipped up an impromptu trip to Biltmore with M, Mom, Kristin, and Gracie. CHris was spending the day with Brad at the UT game, so we had a lot of time to kill. It was a pretty day, and the flower tapestry was only on display for another week, so off we went. We had a great time, capped off by Mason dropping half-masticated french fries on Aunt Kristin's arm as we drove away from the estate--he was beyond delighted by her histrionic reaction. Considering we had a 14-month-old and a 4-year-old, the trip was remarkably easy until we got stuck in a traffic jam I-40 going across the mountains before the state line. A tractor trailer and a motorcycle had collided, and so traffic had been stopped both directions to bring in a Life Flight helicopter. Mason and Gracie appreciated the chance to get out of the car and roam, and I got what I'm sure is the only picture I'll ever catch of Mason climbing on the highway divider.

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