Mason was a skunk for Halloween this year, and y'all know how I love Halloween, so I had fretted for weeks that my opinionated little man who HATES things on his head would flat out refuse to wear his costume. I needn't have worried. He strutted around Maryville College, where we took him for pictures, and the church Trunk-or-Treat like he was king of the forest. Needless to say, he was adored and admired wherever he went.
Mason tried nachos for the first time, and he liked them, but he LOVED the inflatable slide. He ran to the slide as soon as he saw it, so we stood in line, but he kept scrambling down and running to the front of the line. Apparently, he inherited my lack of patience. Sorry, Chris. Finally, Mom just picked him up and marched to the front of the line and said, "For heaven's sake, he's just little." And so up he went with Tyra, ahead of all the other LITTLE children in line. I was mortified, but people didn't complain, and he squealed in delight all the way down the slide...and expected to go right back up to the front again. Thanks, Mom. After a noteworthy but short-lived fit, he allowed himself to be distracted long enough to go through the line. This time Maddie took him down. Wonder how we'll manage to fit a giant blow-up slide in Mason's next bedroom?
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