Friday, December 10, 2010

Aquarium of the Smokies

I'm sure you can guess just from the title of this post that this was a good day for Mason. Any day that includes a lot of outdoor time and any kind of animal is a good day for M.

Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies offers a Teacher Appreciation Weekend in October, so we took Mason and all got in for free (which is a great price for the family that is really tightening up to pay for a down payment on another house since we still own The House That Won't Sell). What a cool thing for them to do! (I sent them a thank you note...haha! My granny would be so proud of me!)

We had all really looked forward to it all week (well, Mason promptly hadn't...), and it was the perfect family day. The weather was beautiful, we got there before it was crowded, and Mason pointed at something the entire time. He was fascinated. We'll definitely make this an annual trip.

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